Is Goat Milk Formula Good for Babies?

Infant Drinking Bottle of Goat Milk-Based Baby Formula

This post was written in partnership with Kabrita Goat Milk-Based Infant Formula. All opinions are my own. If you are a healthcare provider, join Kabrita’s Medical Herd to get access to new research, free continued education to share with your patients and peers, and invites to in-person and virtual events.

Of all milk options used as a base for infant formula, cow milk has long been considered the standard in the U.S. However, in recent years, emerging research has fueled a growing interest in goat milk-based infant formulas, which offer a variety of unique benefits.

Known for its easy digestibility and nutrient-rich composition, goat milk formula used to be sought after mainly for babies with sensitivities or intolerance to cow’s milk proteins. Recent research suggests that goat milk formula is not only safe and suitable for most babies, it may be better tolerated and provide distinct advantages over cow milk-based formulas.

In this article, we'll explore the many benefits of goat milk-based infant formula for babies and how it compares to other types of infant formula. My goal in this post, as always, is to provide insight for parents navigating the complex landscape of infant nutrition and to provide answers to the questions you might have about goat milk infant formula.

What is goat milk formula?

Goat milk formula is a milk-based infant formula made from the milk of goats. It is a popular alternative to cow milk-based formulas, particularly for infants who may have difficulty digesting cow milk proteins or who have intolerance to cow’s milk.

Goat milk infant formula is naturally closer in nutritional profile to human breast milk. It provides infants with the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and brain development and an optimal balance of protein, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

While goat and cow milk proteins are somewhat similar, goat milk proteins are smaller and slightly different structurally. This is partly why many babies tolerate and digest goat milk formula better than cow’s milk formula. In fact, the unique composition of goat milk formula is not only safe and suitable for babies as a breast milk alternative, but it may also reduce symptoms of colic, gas, and constipation. 

What are the benefits of goat milk formula?

While exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of life is the optimal source of nutrition for infants, goat’s milk formula for infants is a safe, well-tolerated choice when breast milk is not an option or when formula is being supplemented. Let’s take a look at a few of the main benefits of goat milk formula:

  1. Easier to Digest: The protein composition of goat milk is naturally closer to breast milk and has been associated with faster and more efficient digestibility than cow’s milk proteins. This can be beneficial for infants who have digestive issues when drinking cow’s milk formula. In fact, a protein digestion study showed that, after 2 hours, both breast milk and goat milk-based infant formula were about 50% digested, while cow milk-based infant formula was only about 35% digested. 

  2. Similar Composition to Breast Milk: Goat milk is closer in composition to human milk than cow’s milk, particularly in terms of protein and fat composition. Goat milk has lower alpha s1-casein protein levels than cow milk, and has more β-casein than cow milk. This protein composition makes goat milk-based infant formula naturally more similar to breast milk, as compared to cow milk-based infant formula and can make goat milk formula a more natural and easily tolerated alternative for some infants.

  3. Rich in Nutrients: Goat milk is rich in nutrients such as calcium, potassium, phosphorous, iron, vitamins D and A, and omega-3 fatty acids, making this type of milk a nutritious base for infant formula.

  4. Higher in Oligosaccharides: Goat milk formula is naturally higher in oligosaccharides than cow’s milk formula (up to 5x more!). Oligosaccharides form prebiotic fibers, which help mature the gut microbiome and protect against pathogens and harmful bacteria. Oligosaccharides are the third largest component of breast milk, following lactose and fat.

  5. Less Allergenic: Studies show that up to 40-100% of infants who have a non-IgE mediated allergy to cow’s milk may tolerate goat milk better due to differences in protein structure. However, it's important to note that infants with an IgE-mediated cow milk protein allergy are likely to be allergic to goat milk as well.

  6. Alternative to Soy: Goat milk formula provides another alternative that may be better tolerated for infants who cannot tolerate cow milk or soy milk-based baby formulas.

Is goat milk formula safe for babies?

The use of goat milk-based infant formula is supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) as acceptable nutrition for non-breastfed and breastfed infants needing formula supplementation in the first year of life.

A recent study showed that goat milk-based infant formula was as effective as breast milk for newborn babies in terms of growth and safety.

It is important to note that raw milk (goat, cow, and any other type) carries a risk of bacterial contamination and serious illness, so it's essential never to make homemade infant formula from goat milk or another milk source and to ONLY use commercially prepared, pasteurized formulas to reduce this risk. 

Please keep in mind as well that on their own, pasteurized cow milk, goat milk, and all other plant-based milk alternatives are not appropriate for babies either during the first year of life. They do not contain the proper amount of nutrients for babies and when offered as a beverage, can cause severe illness during infancy. Small amounts added to recipes and complementary foods are fine, once a baby is developmentally ready for solid foods.

 **If you have questions or concerns about your baby’s diet, consult with your healthcare provider or registered dietitian.**

Can goat milk formula help prevent food allergies?

While more studies are needed regarding goat milk and food allergy prevention, goat milk-based formula shows promising potential. 

Because goat milk proteins are associated with faster and more efficient digestibility than cow’s milk proteins, they allow for the production of tolerance-inducing peptides (also called “tolerogenic peptides”). Conversely, cow’s milk is known to produce allergenic peptides during digestion because it takes longer to digest. 

What does this mean for you? Offering goat milk infant formula to babies may help decrease the risk of IgE-mediated food allergy to milk proteins because it provides a way to expose babies early and often to allergenic proteins they may more easily tolerate, which may help build and maintain tolerance to those proteins over time. More research is needed, but this is exciting for the future of food allergy prevention. Stay tuned!

Is goat milk formula hypoallergenic?

No. While goat milk formula may be more easily digested than cow’s milk formula and can be a helpful alternative for babies with cow’s milk protein intolerance or sensitivities, it is not considered hypoallergenic.

Hypoallergenic formulas are designed to be easily digestible and contain proteins that have been extensively hydrolyzed, reducing the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

If your baby has a cow’s milk protein allergy, do not offer your baby goat milk-based formula unless directed by your healthcare provider.

Where can I buy goat milk formula?

Prior to 2022, goat milk formulas were less readily available and more expensive than cow’s milk formulas. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized several European goat milk-based infant formulas for temporary sale during the U.S. infant formula shortage to help expand formula offerings. 

Goat milk-based formula options are available in grocery and retail stores. However, with the exception of one brand (see below), many may not remain on the market in the United States for long as they were only authorized for emergency use. 

What is the best goat milk infant formula brand?

There are a small handful of goat milk-based infant formula brands now available in the U.S., however, Kabrita brand goat milk-based infant formula is the first and only European-made goat milk-based infant formula that meets all FDA requirements for long-term use. 

Kabrita is an extensively researched, high-quality goat milk infant formula that has been proven to be safe and suitable for use in infants from birth through 12 months, produced by Ausnutria, a Dutch dairy company with a history of more than 75 years in the production of infant formula. Made without GMO ingredients, corn syrup, or maltodextrin, Kabrita is produced in the Netherlands and adheres to strict European standards that limit the use of antibiotics, growth hormones, and pesticides. It contains 25 vitamins and minerals to support babies' growth and development, including vitamin D, folic acid, iron, DHA and ARA, and nucleotides. 

Kabrita also contains a specific fat (sn-2 palmitic acid) that closely resembles a fat found in breast milk. This fat has been shown to increase calcium and fat absorption, improve sleep and stool consistency, and reduce gas, colic, and crying episodes

More than 1.5 million babies around the world are fed with Kabrita every day! 

* If you are a parent looking for high-quality feeding options for your baby that more closely resemble breast milk, learn more about Kabrita, the #1 goat milk infant formula brand worldwide.

* If you are a healthcare provider, join Kabrita’s Medical Herd to receive educational newsletters, research updates, and invitations to events and stay up to date on the latest infant nutrition and product information.

Thanks for reading! 



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